Lumen artists Louise Beer, Melanie King and Rebecca Huxley have been commissioned byThe British Science Association and art collective Shrinking Space to take part in Creatures of the Night - an evening exploring the science of night through art. Set in a tropical paradise, audiences will follow a narrow path under a glass pyramid and the night sky encountering; soundscapes, sculptures, light installations and an immersive digital experience.
Wednesday 7th September Plantasia, Parc Tawe, SA1 2AL Swansea Rolling entry time: 18:30 until 22:15 Free Entry, booking essential: Tell friends you’re going: Curated by: Shrinking Space Creatures of the Night is curated by Shrinking Space, an arts collective bringing science to life through art. @shrinking_space The British Science Festival The British Science Festival is a FREE four-day Festival, hosted by Swansea University and supported by Siemens, featuring speakers and events from beyond science, across history, sports, music and the arts. @BritishSciFest #BSF16